Over 13,500 trees have been planted over the winter months thanks to the hard work of our volunteer teams!
Through this marathon of tree planting we have created two shelterbelts – large rows of native trees and shrubs, which will provide valuable habitats for wildlife along the river Blythe.
The planted area totals 2.7 hectares – that’s the equivalent almost 4 Wembley Stadiums filled with trees!

Blythe Alive Again is a wildlife-focussed project to restore and re-naturalise critical areas of the River Blythe. Generously funded by the Environment Agency and Severn Trent, and working alongside Natural England, we will be working from 2022 onwards on over 140 hectares of land within the River Blythe SSSI (Site of special Scientific Interest) area, to create a wide range of habitats.