Staying at home might feel strange and takes some getting used to. But we have been taking the opportunity to record nature sightings throughout the week. Take a look at what we have spotted…

Weeds are a state of mind! These dandelions look like miniature suns in the warm afternoon light. They are great for pollinating insects such as bees, butterflies and beetles.
Church Pool Covert, by Hams Hall Environmental Centre, has lots of spring plants emerging. Here you can see the green leaves of bluebells. The bluebells will come into flower within the next couple of weeks, creating a mass of blue. The celandine flowers are also a cheerful sight, their small bright yellow flowers dotting the woodland floor. (Emily)

Catkins on an Alder tree. Alder trees are wetland trees, playing an important part in improving the soil condition and fertility by fixing nitrogen with the nodules on its roots. The catkins are clusters of flowers. (Eddie)

This common toad was spotted one evening this week. Toads and frogs are more active at night, when it is cool. Their breeding season is in Spring, so you’re most likely to see them in your garden around this time of year, in the evening or early morning.
You can tell the difference between a toad and a frog by its skin. Toads have bumpy skin whilst frogs have smooth skin.
Two butterfly sightings – a peacock butterfly (right) and a tortoiseshell butterfly (left). These two were spotted in North Wales, but can be found anywhere around the UK. (Tarik)

Primrose is a definite sign that Spring is arriving. Its name derives from the Latin ‘prima rosa‘ which translates into the ‘first rose’ of the year. They are common across the UK. (Tarik),.

Beautiful cherry blossom tree in Birmingham. The cherry blossom symbolises renewal, associated with Spring. The blossoms don’t last long – depending on the weather, an individual tree only blooms for around two weeks.
Can you spot the bumblebee among the cherry blossom flowers?

Does anyone know what this plant is…? Whatever it is, it looks like it’s taken well to the garden bed.
Bird Sightings – Week 1
Tarik has been recording bird sightings for the past week…
- Chiffchaff
- Chaffinch
- Coal tit (in nest box)
- Song thrush
- Blackbird
- Jackdaw
- Crow
- Buzzard
- Robin
- Dunnock
- Woodpigeon
- Willow warbler
- Curlew
- Sparrowhawk
- Buzzard
- Bullfinch
- Great tit
- Blue tit
- Long tailed tit
Want to share your sightings? Email